The genre “Travel Literature” encompasses travel memoirs, styles ranging from the documentaries to the literary, and from memoir to the humorous, often associated with tourism. Books are the ways to communicate, made knowledge incremented. There’s been a good smattering of the top travel books that can transport you to a new destination within the context. We struggle to verbalise the feelings, that have changed the destiny of men and nations.

The tricks our minds play over and over, pursuing the limitations of Imagination. With Western cognitive psychology, books, a refreshing vision for fusing life into a path of the genuine arch of living. Relieving the states that make our life miserable, building the life worth living less of a priority. The Gifts of Imperfection on the foundation of happiness through books, acknowledge the need for belonging and the level of authenticity fundamentally changes the whole scenario. It supposed to embrace who we are, harnessing the core strengths to make everyday interactions more fulfilling. It’s a treasure trove of insight emotional and psychological balance.

Books and Travel

The beginning of the year is just that time for favourite lists of books that love talking about travel as a part of the tool belt of any traveller. Once quoted “If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man… Life will be a party for you, a grand festival because life is the moment we’re living right now” by Paulo Coelho in his book, ‘The Alchemist’, on Life, inspires most of the youngsters reaching for their dreams.

“What makes a society happy?” now the question arises, Weiner has the interesting interactions on The Geography of Bliss, the book, that sets a yearlong journey to find the world’s happiest places heading from Iceland to Moldova, where, on his question, he never finds the secret that amazes the journey with a light-hearted read. Books about Travel & Explore inspires us to go far off lands feeding the wanderlust.

Lost in Life?

A memoir about how travel can spark, hitting rock bottom of Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed on her book ‘Wild’ talks about a free spirit who never had the balls to be free. Whereas some in Wanderlust. Self-transformation is what Elizabeth Eaves, the author found while recounting her tales which spans over 15 years of travel and her love of exploration, urging others that it’s okay to live an unconditional life.

Book Cover Wild

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” As cliché as it sounds, the book ‘The Alchemist’ is about self-discovery and spirituality of what’s important in life. Paolo Coelho, the author taught us about life, listening to the heart and not being afraid to dream.

Culture & Beliefs!

Chai Chai -BookImage Source

‘Chai, Chai’ by a 40ish journalist, Ghosh languidly explored the local areas lay beyond the major railway junctions in India started his journey from Mughal Sarai, ended in Kerala. In every major station in between, he got down to feel the local food and culture. The author had succeeded to transport the readers to the “Railway Junctions” and the life revolves around them.

The sheer distances take us towards our imaginations and the miles that they inspired us to hike and drive. Those are the things that matter when it comes to these books. The success can be measured not in awards, but in miles. Same as in the case of Dzong’s book ‘What Makes You Not a Buddhist’ witnessed the practices of various cultures. Though it sounds religious, the book offers a way to gain an understanding of cultures in Asia, with examples from a Western way of life, emphasizing acceptance of the ever-changing nature of life.

Offbeat Life!

A Moveable Feast - Book CoverImage Source

Some of us love to travel, and travel to eat that fuel a gourmand journey, ‘A Moveable Feast’ that covered the celebration of 38 foodie tales around the world, written by Don George, the author of the book, highlighting the lives of location-independent professionals, provides a glimpse of the culture and induce a serious case of food lust over the body. Same as in the sheer number of “what ifs” when considering a solo trip, the book ‘A Women Alone’ helps in conquering the fear of exploring alone, uplifting the face and see the world all by yourself.

Place of Paradise?

The Beach - Book CoverImage Source

Island surrounded by crystal clear waters and blanketed by golden sunlight? Fantasies never live up to expectations – and that’s exactly what ‘The Beach’ by Alex Garland, reminds us. It depicts paradise, lulling into the characters truly found heaven on earth. But then it begins the pounding realities, betrayal and violence. The utopia, such thing as paradise, isn’t worth looking for on the planet Earth. Beauty can be found in the reality of everyday life that is so much worthwhile to explore.

“Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope. Sometimes we cry with everything except tears” the pretty hefty read, mix of both fact and fiction, the heroic addict flees to the slums of Bombay India, ‘Shanta-ram’, ends up opening a local clinic, working for the Bombay Mafia takes us to the world of fake paradise, realism and contempt.

In the world of sailing, Joshua Slocum’s ‘Sailing Alone Around the World’ is a classic. It sets the thrilling pulse beat high over the sea with no turning back, engaging in an adventure.

Life is a Story!

Life of pi - Book CoverImage Source

What do you get when you cross a shipwrecked Indian and a Tiger for over 200 days in the Ocean? The answer is ‘The Life of Pie’ by Yann Martel.

The story can be under the lights where it can take on a different form. Faiths and Spiritual belief do not dictate one’s mortality despite differences. Belief in God is the major theme that has been the most controversial in reviews. The book, ‘The Life of Pi’ – the story – is emphasized throughout, draws the attention to the fact about the author’s note, usually trustworthy, a work of fiction. An animal in the wild is “free”, however, profoundly restricted by its survival needs and its instincts. Throughout Life of Pi, the primacy redefines the survival and life.

Meaningless Penance!

Arabian Sands - Book CoverImage Source

Journey through the fearful void, the Empty Quarter of the Arabian Desert desperately left embarking great journey. Wilfred said, “the journeys would have been a meaningless penance”, but a good travel book is a treasury of wisdom. His book, ‘Arabian Sands’, allows the reader to absorb the essence of the desert. You see fragments of description, the odd random facts and the conversations.

The book, ‘Exterminate All the Brutes’, inspired the dignity of the travel genre. It took the title inspiration from Joseph Conard’s Heart of Darkness with a devastating thesis on the origins of the Nazi holocaust. The author, Lindqvist’s beautifully sparse journeys help to build the mood of fear and isolation, enhancing intellectual arguments. The book is a reminder of the way travel opens the heart.

Literature, filled with adventures, inherently a way to travel, headed for the beach or off to trek, it was sure to document the trip the right way for the memories. All we have to do is to open a book. There is always a journey waiting for you in these travel books, constantly making discoveries about the inner world.

Why not start your journey by travelling to one of the most beautiful destinations in the world – Kerala. Plan your trip here! Tha land will show you what it really means to be a traveller.

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