Have you been concerned about safety while driving during the rains? If this is the case, there are a couple of tips you can follow to make sure you and other passengers in the vehicle are safe. Following these tips will give you peace of mind, and these tips may very well save your life.

In spite of the fact that you can’t control the activities of other drivers, you have control over what you do in your vehicle. Controlling your own actions while driving will ensure your safety and also the safety of other people. If everybody uses safe driving tips while driving, the streets would be a lot safer spot.

Safety is the main aim of every driving training class. People go to driving schools to figure out how to drive safely without harming properties and also lives.

Driving in the Rains

Driving in the rain Image Source

During the rainy season, you also have to face the issue of downpour in the roadway which can get a bit tricky. Wheel traction is lesser because of the water that is on the street. It would be difficult for the driver to manoeuvre or control the vehicle; it is difficult to accelerate at a quicker pace or make a full break because of low traction. Then again, during rainy days, it is essential for the driver to keep up the concentration and keep eyes on the field of vision in the street.

About 50% of all climate-related bike/car accidents happen due to rain. As we experience increasingly wet climate, it is fundamental that when you learn driving, you are taught how you can safely move their vehicle and stay away from climate-related car accidents, which frequently cause vehicle insurance rates to increase.

With the difficulties of driving during the downpour, here are a few tips; you may know these tips from a driving school, the person who taught you driving or it is your first time to know about them:

Tip 1: Keep Safe Braking Distance

Room between cars while drivingImage Source

Leave room between you and the vehicle in front since it takes more time to stop. Slick roads and reduced visibility can cause collisions. Give other vehicles plenty of room and brake early. In wet climate if you push the brakes too hard, the tyres will get locked up, the vehicle will hydroplane and you will probably end up hitting the vehicle before you. If possible, drive in the fast lane, where there are fewer vehicles and less oil deposited on the road.

Tip 2: Avoid Changing Lanes Intermittently

In addition, due to the built-in road slope, rainwater drains in the directions of the slower lanes. Try not to change lane, as water usually builds up between the tyre grooves in the lanes.

Tip 3: Avoid Waterlogged Roads

If possible, try to avoid the issue of rushing water in the street, find safer routes. Pushing your vehicle through a solid surge of water; you will most likely get stuck there. If there’s a possibility that you can take other routes; simply be smart and reach home safely.

Tip 4: Stay Focused and Be Cautious

Be extra-cautious. Here is the smartest way of being safe while driving: Be cautious. Stay away from issues in the street by being cautious. Do not drive as though you are in an extraordinary runway. It is important to develop the skills of coordinating your body functions to stay away from mishaps.

Tip 5: Don’t Rush!

Don’t rush. Especially, during the rainy seasons, slow down your pace. There is no need to rush, you will definitely reach home, at least safe and sound. It’s important not to rush, both physically and mentally, to avoid abrupt accidents in the road.

Tip 6: Avoid Skidding

Car skidding in the rainwaterImage Source

Skidding while driving in the downpour can be frightening and risky as well. Never rush in the rain. Drive slowly and cautiously.

Tip 7: Turn the lights On

Cars with lights one while driving in the rainImage Source

Turn your vehicle’s lights on. You have to see the street well to be able to drive safely. Turn your headlights to see the foreground because rainy days are often dark. You don’t have night-vision, so, be careful. Even if it’s a light drizzle, turn your headlights on. In the event that your vehicle has fog lights, turn them on. They will shed that additional bit of light you would require on a rainy road.

Tip 8: Be Aware of other vehicles

Be aware of the next vehicle. You are not the only one on the street; there are other drivers are driving, too. Make certain to see the vehicle in front, at the back, and along the sides of your vehicle.

Tip 9: Turn Slow and Apply Breaks

Use more force because there is less traction, it is going to take more efforts to make brakes or take turns. It is essential to hold the steering and turn slowly. While braking, it is wise to keep more distance before stopping your vehicle completely. You have an advantage if your vehicle is equipped with ABS. Regulate the brakes as you steer the vehicle.

Tip 10: Keep your body temp normal

Checking the temperature of AC in the carImage Source

Driving requires that you have the physical resources in making necessary reactions to the circumstances. If it is too cool inside your car, nerves and tissues begin to numb and it is not possible for you to react to vehicle movements. Adjust the air-conditioner to keep your body temperature normal. Furthermore, it will without a doubt keep you alert.

Tip 11: Check your windshield wipers

Car windshield wiperImage Source

Check the car beforehand. Try not to start the vehicle without checking if the windshield wiper is working right. Get them checked before rainy seasons arrive. It’s all the more important if you are planning to ride far.

Tip 12: Don’t Splash!

Look for walking pedestrians, avoid splashing them. If you keep your headlights on and keep your windshield clean, you will be able to see them clearly.

Tip 13: Tired? Please, Don’t Drive!

Man feeling drowsy while drivingImage Source

Another safe driving tip that is absolutely evident, yet at the same time, numerous individuals fall victim to drivers who neglect this tip. Avoid driving when you are tired or drowsy. A lot of people think that they won’t doze off while driving or they think that they can keep themselves awake through various strategies. These individuals believe that keeping the windows open or blasting music will keep them alert and awake. But it is not always true. It is risky to drive when you are sluggish or tired, and therefore you should pull over and rest before driving or get somebody that can drive you where you have to go.

Tip 14: Keep your seatbelts engaged

Woman wearing seat belt before starting the carImage Source

Another safety tip that appears to be simple but it could save your life. Wearing your seatbelt is one of the simplest things you can do to guarantee your safety. A large number of individuals have died because of car accidents only because they were not wearing their seatbelts. Such tragedies could be avoided if you buckle up before you leave. To stay safe, you must always wear your seatbelt and make sure that the other passengers are wearing their seatbelts as well. Additionally, always make sure your children are buckled in a booster seat properly.

Tip 15: Watch out for Oil Splash

Motor oil and lubricant start building up on the roads over time, and when coupled with rain, it gets really dangerous. Road condition might get better after the season’s first downpour washes away a large portion of the grease, so be extra careful during the first spell of rain.

Tip 16: Avoid Hydroplanes!

Stay away from standing water. Not only can this make you hydroplane, but also end up blocking your other drivers’ vision by splattering water from the puddles. Moreover, standing water conceals potholes and garbage from vision and it can lessen the efficiency of the brakes.

Tip 17: Follow the lane

Follow the lane of the vehicle before you. This permits the vehicle in front of you to dislodge any pool of water that is there.

Tip 18: Break with Care

A car hydroplaning because of rainImage Source

In the event that your vehicle starts to hydroplane, don’t turn or brake unexpectedly as it may make your vehicle spin or skid. Wait for your vehicle to regain traction before you do any such thing. Brake softly if necessary.

Tip 19: Don’t Use Crusie Control

Do not to utilize cruise control. This can make your vehicle speed up when you hydroplane and it also lessens driver mindfulness.

Tip 20: Keep Both Hands on the Steering Wheel

Both hands on the steering wheelImage Source

Use both the hands to hold the steering to increase control. This implies putting down the phone, food, drink or whatever else that can take your hands off the steering and eyes off the road.

Tip 21: Defog Regularly

Fog on car windowImage Source

Defog the windows regularly. Rain can make the windshield to fog up swiftly, so make use of the rear and front defrosters to increase visibility.

Tip 22: Keep your vehicle rotors dry by avoiding puddles

There are puddles all over. As far as possible, avoid them. In the event that it’s difficult to get away from a puddle, apply slight pressure on the brake pedal gently. It will help remove a portion of the water on the vehicle rotors.

Tip 23: Follow the tyre tracks

During the rainy season, it is encouraged to follow the vehicle in front of you and not overtake. Try and drive in the tyre tracks left by the vehicles ahead of you. Let the vehicle in front to pave a trail through the water so that you can follow safely. And, if you feel that it is raining so heavily that it can considerably hinder your vision, it is much wiser to pull over and wait for the rain to stop.

Tip 24: Be aware of skidding

Despite your best attempt to avoid skidding, you may end up skidding. Do not get panicked. That is actually the time you have to stay calm. Panicking will just increase your inconvenience.

Tip 25: Keep your tyre pressure optimum

Tyres must be inflated properly at all times, particularly during the rainy season. While water under your vehicle tyres can’t drain via the grooves timely, the vehicle tends to skid because of the thin layer of water in between the road surface and tyres. The condition is called aquaplaning or hydroplaning and it will be difficult to steer, accelerate or to apply brakes. Be certain to replace the tyres whenever required to avoid this problem.

Tip 26: Break early, press gently.

During the rainy season, brake sooner than you normally would in order to avoid hitting the car in front of you.

Tip 27: Keep an eye on the pedestrians

Rainy season implies that you should be extra cautious and careful. Keep an open eye for people on foot. Downpours can be noisy enough to deafen the vehicle horn. Additionally, people on foot could get distracted by so much water, rain or their umbrellas. Being a little more cautious could avert major accidents.

Tip 28; Don’t use high beam

Car with high beam in the rainImage Source

Do not use high-intensity beams. While they blind others’ on the road, they will obstruct your vision as well. The raindrops will reflect the sharp beam back at you.

Tip 29: Be extra cautious with interlocked tile rods especially if you are on motorbike.

Be careful with interlocked tile roads, they can be slippery and can cause accidents.

Tip 30: Regain control and stay calm

When you feel you have lost control, take your foot off the accelerator. You will begin to feel in control again when the vehicle slows down.

Tip 31: No mobile phones while driving whether is raining or not!

Using phone while drivingImage Source

In this day and age, it is getting more and more common to be distracted by the usage of technological devices. Sadly, major injuries and deaths have caused because of drivers being distracted by such things. To battle this trouble, various countries have made it illegal to use a phone while driving. Ensure that your full focus is on driving when you are driving.

Tip 32: Do not drink and drive whether is raining or not!

Man holding alcohol bottle while drivingImage Source

One safety tip that is obvious and applies even it is not raining is: do not drink and drive. Not only is it against the law to drive while being under the influence of alcohol, but it is unsafe as well. Your reflexes are much slower and you are not as alert as you would be normally, which especially imperative during the rainy season. It is quite unlikely that you would be able to slow down, stop, or change lanes quickly if you required to. Drunk driving is risky for you, your passengers and others on the road.

You should be safe when driving at all times. Utilizing these safe driving techniques can save your life and also others’ lives.

Have a look at some interesting things you can do in Kerala during the monsoon season.

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