When Vasco-da-Gama and his 170 men visited Kerala in 1498, they first landed on the Kappad Beach. Ever since, the beach has been part of the International Spice Route. It has a stone monument with an inscription 'Vasco da Gama landed here, Kappakadavu, in the year 1498'. The beautiful rocks near the sea, the shacks serving local food and tea and the occasional visits of migratory birds make Kappad Beach a popular destination in Calicut.
The Kappad Beach is a well-maintained beach enjoying a calm and scenic environment. The highlights of the beach are the beautiful rocks on the edge of the sea and the sunset views. The beach has better facilities when compared to other beaches in Kerala. You will find ample parking space, good rest rooms and a nice restaurant along with many shacks.
As you walk along the Kappad Beach, you can't help but feel that the place has great historical significance. You're not wrong. When Vasco-da-Gama and his 170 men visited Kerala 500 years ago, they first landed on this beach. The stone monument at the beach has an inscription describing this historic event. Ever since, the Kappad Beach has been a significant part of the International Spice Route.
As the reddish orange sun sets into the ocean and the waves hit the beautiful rocks at the beach, you feel an instant connection with nature. The shacks at the beach serve amazing local food and special Kerala tea. Occasionally, the Kappad beach is visited by delightful migratory birds. Some years ago, Kerala tourism launched a program to beautify the beach. It is now completed and the beach has a corniche, rest room and comfortable seating.